Warroom study guide
Warroom study guide

warroom study guide

Tolstoy discusses mass activity as a combination of"infinitesimal units of activity" and provides a short summary of past and future events. This marks the turning point from defeat to victory for Russia. The battle is described as a death duel, with the Russians winning morally, if not physically. Marya and Nikolay have a romantic first meeting, while Pierre visits the deathmarked Andrey on the eve of Borodino. Despite the national upheaval, the Petersburg salons remain the same. The old prince dies and Marya moves her household to Moscow, but the war looms closer. The French who are penetrating Russia march toward their doom in the"irresistible tide" of destiny. The Russians respond massively to the national threat, and Pierre feels within him an"ultimate mission" involving his love, the comet, Napoleon, and the war itself. Petya joins the army out of a youthful patriotism which Pierre also shares. Natasha slowly recovers, aided by religious faith. Nikolay refrains from killing a Frenchman and is decorated for bravery because he took a prisoner. Andrey turns away from his past and commits himself to the men in his regiment, who adore him. The life-and-death struggle against France begins, with Napoleon depicted as a glory-seeking fool. During her near-nervous breakdown, Pierre emerges as her comforter and their love is implied. Natasha meets Anatole during the opera and is almost abducted by him. With the wolf hunt, the sleigh ride, Christmas celebrations, and family harmony, the Rostovs enjoy the last period of their"youth." Natasha's restlessness increases during Andrey's absence, the family is almost bankrupt, and there is foreboding of hard times to come as the children enter adulthood. The Rostovs' financial problems increase, and Andrey goes to Switzerland. Pierre becomes disillusioned with masonry, while Princess Marya is made more unhappy by her father. This is an account of"real life," as opposed to politics, where the"inner man" is more significant than the"outer man." Andrey becomes involved with Speransky's circle of reformers, but when he falls in love with Natasha these activities pall for him. His petition rejected, Nikolay decides the sovereign knows best and submits to"higher authority." Nikolay asks the tsar for Denisov's pardon and witnesses the meeting between Napoleon and Alexander, a meeting between the old and new orders of government. Meanwhile Nikolay has rejoined his starving regiment and Denisov faces court-martial for stealing food for his men. The significance of their exchange points out the contrast between Pierre and Andrey.

warroom study guide

He and the retired Andrey have a discussion about the meaning of life and death and Andrey is inspired with new hope. Separated from his wife, Pierre devotes himself to"goodness," by joining the masons and by an inept reforming of his estates. Dolohov falls in love with Sonya and avenges her rejection of him by fleecing Nikolay during a card game."Intensity" is the keynote of this section, shown by incidents of love and hate, life and death. Liza Bolkonsky dies giving birth to a son, leaving Andrey with a deep sense of unassuageable guilt. Pierre wounds Dolohov in a duel over Ellen's alleged infidelity. Nikolay, with Denisov, is home on leave and he ignores his sweetheart Sonya. Compared to the limitless sky, which symbolizes death, Napoleon seems to Andrey petty and insignificant. Andrey attends the war council on the eve of Austerlitz and wishes to be a hero. Pierre marries Ellen Anatole unsuccessfully courts Marya. Nikolay accepts being a"cog in a machine" and Andrey rejects being part of the administering forces, choosing, instead, to fight at the front. They each discover the ineffectuality of the individual in a mass situation. Nikolay Rostov and Prince Andrey undergo their first war experience at the battle of Schöngraben. Old Count Bezuhov dies, leaving Pierre wealthy, titled, and the most eligible bachelor in Petersburg. Prince Andrey and Pierre discuss their futures and what they seek in life, both young men idealizing the"man of destiny" who is soon to invade Russia. We are introduced to the major families through the vehicle of a soiree at the Anna Pavlovna's home, a name-day celebration at the Rostovs, and a description of the isolated existence of the Bolkonskys at their country seat. Technical Devices Used in War and Peace.

Warroom study guide