He then went off a little more, saying, “Zuckerberg features in my new rock and roll show, I’ve got him sitting… no, I shouldn’t tell you, but he does. Roger Waters tells Facebook no fucking way after request to use ‘Another Brick In The Wall’ in new ad Waters called Mark Zuckerberg 'one of the most powerful idiots in the world' By Jackson. “It’s true, and yet they want to sojourn it, to use it to make Facebook and Instagram even bigger and more powerful than it already is, so that it can continue to censor all of us in this room and prevent the story about Julian Assange getting out to the general public, so the general public can go ‘What? No. “‘We feel that the core sentiment of this song is still so prevalent and necessary today, which speaks to how timely a work it ’ “‘We want to thank you for considering this project,'” said Waters. Waters also read the message he says he received from Zuckerberg. Related: Mark Zuckerberg Gives Odd Explanation For Why He Infamously Caked His Face In Sunscreen So I will not be a party to this bullsh-t, Zuckerberg.” So those of us who do have any power, and I do have a little bit, in terms of control of the publishing of my songs I do anyway. “And I only mention that because it’s the insidious movement of them to take over absolutely everything. With an offer of a huge, huge amount of money and the answer is, ‘F–k you! No f–king way! Waters continued, “So it’s a missive from Mark Zuckerberg to me. It’s a request for the rights to use my song, ‘Another Brick in the Wall (Part 2),’ in the making of a film to promote Instagram.” Nobody does, because it arrived on the internet to me this morning. “This is something that I actually put in my folder when I came out here today,” Waters says in video of his appearance. Last week, while attending The People’s Forum supporting jailed WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, Waters informed the gathered crowd that he had recently been offered “a huge amount of money” if he would let Zuckerberg use his son “Another Brick in the Wall (Part 2).” Even less people get to publicly reject those requests in the fashion that Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters did last week. Not many people in the world get personal requests from Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg. The Pink Floyd co-founder says, despite being offered a ‘huge, huge amount of money,’ there’s no way he would allow it.Roger Waters says Mark Zuckerberg asked to use one of his Pink Floyd songs in a film to promote Instagram.